Our Brand Story

We’re proud to celebrate over 80 years of providing life-changing programs and activities to disadvantaged children and young people at-risk across WA.
PCYC has a rich history in WA, impacting the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in our society for decades. Originally formed in 1941 as the Police Boys Club during the war, PCYC now operates 16 Centres from Albany to Kununurra with 60 Blue Light WA™ Units across regional and rural areas.
As a youth organisation, it’s vital that we stay current and appealing to young people. This means ensuring that PCYC is modern, relevant, and a fun place to be, both through the programs and activities we offer and the way we look and feel.
So, after ten years of our much-loved logo, research from the general public and young people told us it was time for a change. Inspired by sporting brands, the new logo below has been created and will now be used across all of our Centres as our official identity.

Sport and recreational activities have been central to PCYC since its inception. The new logo gives a sporting feel, reflecting our active culture. It has also been designed to give more prominence to our name and make our connection with the Police clear through the use of the chevrons and colour blue.
Children and young people are always at the centre of our decision making. So, when we tested our logo with current PCYC participants and found that 86% of children preferred the new logo, we knew we’d done our job.
Along with the organisational logo, Blue Light WA™ has also been refreshed, as has our identity for our sub-brands.
And that’s not all. Many of our Centres will be getting a make-over with bright new colours and spaces.
So, pop into your local Centre, or explore our new website to see what’s on at your nearest PCYC or Blue Light WA™ Unit!