Following the Rainbow Trail

Our Centre Managers have been busy ‘following the rainbow trail’ drawing rainbows on streets and footpaths to bring joy to passers-by and act as a message of hope in their local communities.
Our staff join thousands of people across country in this heart-warming new trend.
Jane Cartwright, Kununurra PCYC Manager, said she couldn’t wait to get the chalk out, drawing a rainbow outside the Kununurra Police Station.
“It’s all about spreading positivity, and we did so outside the Kununurra Police Station, reminding everyone to look after themselves, each other and to stay safe,” she said.
The trend started in Italy, where during the ongoing nation-wide lockdowns, children started drawing rainbows with the tagline ‘andrà tutto bene’ which means ‘everything will be alright’.
#Followtherainbow #Rainbowtrail