Training opportunities expand at Kensington PCYC

Kensington PCYC has expanded its training opportunities for young people, youth at risk and young offenders through the introduction of the Certificate II Automotive Vocational Preparation course.
Identifying the need to provide follow-on training from the first course, (Certificate I Leadership and Certificate I Automotive Vocational Preparation), Kensington is the first PCYC Centre to launch the Certificate II Automotive Vocational Preparation course and already has 25 participants enrolled.
Steve Olsen, WA PCYC Manager Learning and Development, is excited to be able to provide further training for young people that have enjoyed and completed previous training courses with WA PCYC, explaining that sometimes, participants are so proud of their achievement, but when they’re not job-ready can be left with a feeling of ‘what’s next?’.
“Increasing our training portfolio is all about providing follow-on opportunities for young people who have graduated from a number of our other certified training courses, and we are very excited about the positive uptake,” said Mr Olsen.
As a registered training organisation, WA PCYC plays an important role in providing vocational education and training services to young people who are no longer engaged in the traditional schooling system.
“We are dedicated to supporting their continued growth by providing pathways into apprenticeships, traineeships or full-time employment,” Mr Olsen said.
The Certificate II Automotive Vocational Preparation course provides a robust mechanical foundation for young people who wish to enter the automotive industry. Participants learn skills relating to vehicle maintenance as well as critical life and employability skills that will enable them to progress into further education, training or employment.
Completion of Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation is required before seeking enrolment in the Certificate II Automotive course and students are referred to the program through government agencies.