1000 free haircuts in one year
Every Tuesday afternoon in Broome, children and young people flock down to PCYC’s safeSPACE™ Program to get a free trendy haircut thanks to amazing Youth Worker Patu!
Funded by the Australian Government, safeSPACE™ is PCYC’s core diversionary program for vulnerable children and young people at risk. SafeSPACE™ creates a home away from home where young people can relax, make friends, and be entertained.
Each community is different, so each safeSPACE™ is different too. PCYC engages with the local Police, the community and young people to co-design activities to meet the needs of the local children.
Sharp and Ready Cuts provides young people in Broome with the opportunity to hang out and talk to Youth Workers while they boost their confidence with a trendy haircut.
As young people build relationships with PCYC staff and trust them to talk to, the program provides an avenue for PCYC Youth Workers to open up conversations about mental health and wellbeing while promoting self-esteem, in a safe and supportive environment.