Over 1,400 Blue Light™ Christmas bags gifted to children in remote and rural communities
Our goal this Christmas was to bring as much joy as possible to disadvantaged children and young people.
For our Blue Light™ Coordinator, Jema Ritchie, this resonated even more when she heard from our Blue Light™ Units that some children receive few or no gifts at all on Christmas Day.
This feedback kickstarted the Blue Light™ Gift Bag initiative. Jema approached local businesses and advertised for the community to donate gifts, with a focus on health, educational and entertainment items. Collection points were set up at Fremantle PCYC, and some Metropolitan Police Stations. The response from the Perth community was overwhelming!
Before we knew it Fremantle PCYC was inundated with donations from local community members, WA Police staff, individuals, other not-for-profit organisations and Blue Light™ Units who wanted to help.
With donations rolling in daily, the challenge of transporting the hundreds of bags became apparent, especially as Santa was already booked! Luckily, the Derby Blue Light™ Facilitators stepped in and helped organise a freight donation to the Kimberley.
In total, over 1,400 Blue Light™ bags were distributed to Units far and wide, including Bidyadanga, Newman, Looma and Derby.
We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Kalexpress and Derby Freight, Fremantle, Geraldton, and Kalgoorlie PCYC and the numerous Police Officers who worked hard to ensure that all bags were distributed to their Blue Light™ communities in time for Christmas.
And wow was it worth it!
The Police Officers were greeted with beaming smiles from the children as they opened their gifts. They were so excited to receive their presents, we hope to continue this initiative every year.
Special thanks to:
- The Western Australia Police Force,
- Kalexpress,
- Derby Stock Supplies and Transport Services,
- First Class Constable Steyn,
- No Limits Perth,
- Feed it Forward Inc,
- South Street Dental Centre,
- Palmyra Police Station,
- Fremantle District Police Force,
- Murdoch Police Station,
- Cockburn Police Station,
- Perenjori Blue Light™ Unit,
- Fremantle PCYC,
- Geraldton PCYC,
- Kalgoorlie PCYC